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By Kayla Czappa | July 12, 2022 | 5 Minute Read

4 Ways to Have a Positive Impact on Your Customers and Keep Them Coming Back for More

Having a positive impact on customers

With rising inflation and living costs, more people are turning to reputable financial institutions for answers—where to store their money, whether to buy or sell a house, how to save and invest, and so on. And it takes a lot of convincing for a person to agree to a long-term financial contract with any bank or credit union. People need a reason to trust you with their money and even more reasons to stick around. Here are 4 ways you can keep customers/members coming back:


1. Help community members make and meet their financial goals 

When community members know you care about their financial situation, they’re more likely to trust you with their finances. By teaching community members how to save, how to invest, what a credit score is, etc., you can gain their trust and keep them coming back to your institution for years to come. The trick is to genuinely care about each community member’s situation and do what you can to support and guide them on their path to financial wellness.  


One way to teach community members about important financial topics is by using Banzai. Banzai is an online life-literacy platform meant to help individuals assess their current living situation and improve it through virtual resources—calculators, Coaches, articles, etc. Using these resources and premade, promotional materials that feature your brand, you can show community members how to improve their financial situation and help them create a plan to correct financial missteps. With Banzai, your customers/members will have access to endless resources branded with your logo—including topics like credit card payoff, debt management strategies, building credit, and more. All resources are written to engage the reader and motivate them to improve.


2. Give donations and grants

When you give back to the community, community members see it and want to be associated with your institution. The more generous you are with donations, grants, scholarships, etc., the more likely you are to see an increase in customer/member satisfaction and sign-up rates. But tracking the good you do in your community isn’t always easy. There’s so much data to manage—who you’ve given donations to, whether you’ve collaborated with them before, whether your grants are helping low- to moderate-income individuals, and more. 


Kadince—a community involvement software made specifically for financial institutions—makes it easy to manage donations, grants, sponsorships, volunteer hours, and more. Instead of tracking your community data across various spreadsheets and binders, now you can store it all in one easy-to-access location. With workflows, grant/donation approval tasks are automatically sent out so you no longer need to oversee the process yourself. Kadince even covers all your bases when CRA exams come up because all your data will be right there. With Kadince, you’ll always be prepared for your exam and will know exactly what your institution has done in the community.


3. Protect customers/members from scams

Scams are a huge problem in today’s world, and nothing makes customers/members happier than knowing you’ve got their back. Some great ways to help community members avoid falling victim to scams include hosting a monthly seminar, sending out text or email reminders, and sharing educational resources that teach them how to keep their information safe. Banzai programs, articles, and Coaches make it easy to share resources that prepare and educate all ages on common scam tactics. Use this opportunity to partner with nonprofit organizations and spread the word on scam prevention across the community. 


4. Host or volunteer at community education events

Volunteering time and money to improve your community is extremely important. It strengthens the economy and improves your relationships with community organizations and community members. Whether it’s a financial literacy event, community fair, home buyers program, or any of the other events your institution is likely involved in, taking the time to help and educate your community members goes a long way in building support and keeping customers/members coming back to your institution. 

While Banzai helps you find partners and educate your audience, Kadince’s community involvement software makes it easy to track and manage all the data—a perfect combination for hosting events. 



When you have a positive impact on your community, you’re likely to build lasting relationships that keep customers/members coming back to your institution time and time again. Incorporate these suggestions into your member interactions and enjoy building more powerful relationships with your community. 


Banzai is constantly adding new education opportunities and resources to provide its partners with consistent and timely content. Schedule a demo to learn more. 


Kadince helps collect and organize all your community data so you can see the exact picture of what your institution is doing in the community. And now you aren’t stressing to put everything together for management, board members, or regulators last minute (because, chances are, you’ve been there). To learn more about how Kadince makes it easy to track, manage, and report your institution’s volunteer hours, grants, sponsorships, events, and more, schedule a demo.


None of Kadince, Inc., its affiliates, or its respective employees, directors, officers, and agents (collectively, “Kadince”) are responsible or liable for any content or information incorporated herein. Read full disclosure.

Kayla Czappa | Content Marketing Specialist, Banzai

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