Have you ever heard of a Special Purpose Credit Program (SPCP)? SPCPs are authorized by the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) and Regulation B to help you meet the credit needs of disadvantaged groups and communities. Any bank or lender can create one, but SPCPs have to be backed up by a written plan, and the need has to be supported by lending data.
The new CRA rule states that SPCPs “can be a type of responsive credit program.” This is great news for CRA professionals, and now is the perfect time to learn about these programs and how to create one.
Join Kadince and FDIC representative Paola Diaz on January 31st at 12 pm CT. You’ll learn what an SPCP program is, how it benefits disadvantaged communities, and how to create one. If your community development efforts need a boost, you don’t want to miss this webinar. Register now.
The ABA has approved this webinar for 1.25 CFMP and CRCM credits.
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