Kadince Cares - A new video series about giving back
Kadince software helps financial institutions streamline their community involvement tracking and data management. As we work with hundreds of financial institutions, we can see the incredible impact that our customers have on their communities. Many of these philanthropic activities go unnoticed or unacknowledged in the industry. Kadince Cares is a new video series that will highlight the good financial institutions do in their communities. We want to share their stories and the stories of those impacted by their work so that other professionals can get community involvement ideas and be reenergized about the impact their efforts make on the lives of others.
Sometimes philanthropic activities can be dehumanized when giving to “an organization” or “a cause.” The Kadince Cares video series seeks to spotlight the impact that community involvement can have on real lives. To achieve this, each video highlights a new financial institution and one individual or family who has benefited from the financial institution’s philanthropic work.
D.L. Evans Bank Gives Back
Kadince Cares - D.L. Evans Gives Back Video
The first video of the Kadince Cares series highlights the story of Denise, a beneficiary of services from the YCC Family Crisis Center. The YCC is a recipient of financial support from D.L. Evans Bank.
Denise came to the YCC after many years of repeated domestic abuse. She recalls, “I wanted to be married...and have a family where we were together forever. I married a man who I thought was a certain kind of person, but after I married him, I discovered he wasn’t that person at all. I feared for my life because there were weapons in the house, and he wanted me to know that. It was just scary.” That’s when Denise found the YCC.
YCC - Your Community Connection
The YCC Family Crisis Center aims to save and change lives by working to prevent and alleviate domestic violence, sexual assault, and homelessness by providing safety, services, and resources. Denise found a much-needed haven at the YCC and began to regain a sense of self after years of continued abuse. Denise remembers, “Once I came here [YCC], the light broke through and realized my life could be anything I wanted it to be. And they [YCC] made it possible for that to start happening for me.”
Trevor Gilson, VP Commercial Loan Officer at D.L. Evans Bank, shares, “The YCC, through education and support... helps people find this hope that can change their lives; not just a place to sleep, or some meals, or clothes. So in that aspect, this organization is completely worthy of support.”
D.L. Evans is a community bank with 37 branches across Idaho and Utah. In 2020, because of COVID-19 restrictions, instead of holding employee appreciation parties across all branches, they decided to donate $116,000 to organizations in the communities they serve. They decided on $116,000 because 2020 marks the bank’s 116th-year anniversary. The bank gave a $10,000 donation to the YCC Family Crisis Center.
Josh V. Evans - D.L. Evans Bank
Another recipient of D.L. Evan’s $116,000 initiative was the Idaho Community Foundation. The Idaho Community Foundation pools funds from Idaho donors and then distributes them to charitable organizations where the need is highest.
Karen Bilowith, President and CEO at the Idaho Community Foundation, gives us an idea of how COVID-19 has affected charitable organizations across the state. She says, “Many nonprofits that work directly with individuals and families are seeing an increase in demand for their services.” Karen highlights that because of job loss or health challenges due to COVID-19, domestic abuse is at an all-time high.
Margaret Rose, Executive Director of the YCC Family Crisis Center, agrees that “The unexpected consequences of COVID-19 have resulted in a level of domestic violence that we haven’t really seen in the past. Our demand for services has increased exponentially.”
Ultimately, that’s where D.L. Evans Bank has stepped in to provide critical support for organizations in the communities they serve. John V. Evans, Jr, President, and Chief Executive Officer at D.L. Evans Bank, expresses, “There’s so much need out there in our communities...Those people need help.”
It’s that philosophy of community involvement that changes lives.
Denise summarizes what it means to her and so many others to receive support from institutions like D.L. Evans Bank, “These donations are absolutely incredible and the only reason why I am in the place I am today. I cannot express how much gratitude I have for that. How do you thank someone for getting your life back? It’s impossible to express how much gratitude I have for these donations, and I want you to understand that.”
Share your story
Each year, financial institutions and their employees give large amounts of time and money to their communities. Much of this life-changing generosity goes underreported and underappreciated. Kadince Cares is an initiative by Kadince software to find and tell the stories of these individuals.
Do you know someone whose life changed because of the contributions of your financial institution or its employees? We want to help you tell their story.
If we choose your story, we’ll either produce a video, write an article about it, or both. Once completed, we’ll give you the video or article to use on your website, social media, or wherever you choose. Apply now, so we can help you share your story.
What is Kadince?
Kadince is a software that helps financial institutions streamline the tracking and management of their community involvement data.
By bringing all community involvement data into one centralized database, financial institutions can see the big picture, drill down to every detail, and make better community involvement decisions.
None of Kadince, Inc., its affiliates, or its respective employees, directors, officers, and agents (collectively, “Kadince”) are responsible or liable for any content or information incorporated herein. Read full disclosure.