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By Jaidyn Crookston | November 14, 2023 | 11 Minute Read

How the Kadince Academy Can Reduce Implementation Time by 350%

How the Kadince Academy Can Reduce Implementation Time by 350%

You finally signed with the data tracking software company you’ve been dying to partner with. It’s been a long process—management isn’t always easy to convince—but you’re sure it will be worth it. 


Learning about this new software was exciting and you can’t wait to start using it. It’s going to save you so much time. But now comes the not so exciting part. Implementation. 


Adopting a new data tracking software can be challenging. You have to learn how to use it, build out your profile/settings, clean and import past data, and become familiar with the support team. Not to mention get your team on board and teach them how to use it. 


You just want to start using the software and tracking your data. Is that really too much to ask? 


When you’re as determined as Stephanie Parrish and Taryn Miller from Cherry Technologies, it isn’t. 


On average, most new Kadince Feedback customers take about 4 months to fully implement the Feedback software, but using the Kadince Academy, Stephanie and Taryn did it in 35 days.


35 days!!!


That’s 3.5x faster than the average Kadince Feedback customer. Let’s see how they did it.


Cherry Technologies needed a solution


Cherry Technologies is a buy now, pay later company focused on making medical payments more affordable for patients. They serve as a bridge between doctors and patients going through the financing process. Due to this model, Cherry handles complaints from several sources: practices about patients, patients about practices, and even complaints to and from their partner institution. 


Prior to learning about Kadince, Cherry was using Google Forms and spreadsheets to track this data. As you can imagine, Cherry needed a more efficient way to track complaints from these various stakeholders.


Kadince isn’t typically advertised as complaint tracking software for buy now, pay later companies (we focus on financial institutions), but in Cherry Technologies’ case, it was the perfect solution.


Ultimately, Cherry Technologies saw five Kadince demos. Stephanie Parrish (Senior Compliance Officer) joined Cherry partway through the demo process. “I was immediately excited to see what Kadince could do for us,” she said. “Our Google Forms were so convoluted. Kadince was the light at the end of the tunnel.”


Cherry signed with Kadince on January 20, 2023. Now came the not so exciting part: implementation. 



The implementation process


Due to their internal goals and setup, Cherry began the implementation process on February 27, 2023. 


“Right off the bat, we knew we wanted to implement Kadince quickly,” Stephanie said. “Cherry works on a 90 day sprint. So every 90 days we come up with new goals. And at the end, our performance goals for the next 90 days are based on what we got done in that previous sprint. We began implementing Kadince about 30 days into our Q1 sprint. I wanted to have at least one month of data by the end of Q1 so we had something to base our performance goals on. That meant we only had about 30 days to complete the implementation. It was a big goal, but I knew we could do it.” 


Luckily for Stephanie, the Kadince Academy was ready to help. 


While some companies have basic video instructions, most software implementations are based on trial and error. New users click around and hope for the best. Maybe a few helpful popups appear, but really, users are on their own. 


Not with Kadince. From the team of dedicated support specialists and success managers to the support application and the Academy, new users have everything they need to jump into the software and start tracking their data—without randomly clicking around. 


The Kadince Academy is crucial to a quick implementation process. 


The Academy is a self-guided series of tutorial courses designed to teach the fundamentals and navigation of Kadince. The Academy lays the foundational knowledge that users then build on in each one-on-one object set-up session with their Customer Success Manager (CSM). The academy teaches the how-to so CSMs can focus on customers’ specific processes and goals to get them going. Basically, the Academy is a Kadince training course that takes a new user from knowing nothing about Kadince to building their specific instance with their CSM. Going through the Academy can drastically reduce the amount of time it takes to implement the software and start tracking your data, as Cherry soon discovered. 


When Stephanie started the Kadince Academy, she was impressed with how complete it was. “It was a really easy process,” she said. “I didn't feel like there was anything that was left out. I learned everything I needed to. My favorite part was being able to practice before messing with my own system. It was just a matter of me figuring out which buttons to press and getting better as I went.” 


Stephanie originally planned to oversee Kadince alone, but in mid-March, Cherry hired another Compliance Officer, Taryn Miller. 


Even though Taryn arrived partway through implementation, she didn’t feel as though she’d been left behind. “When I went to Stephanie with questions,” Taryn said, “she would direct me to the Academy. By the time I completed the lessons, most of my questions had been answered. And for the questions I still had, I reached out to our Kadince support specialist, Kensee. Kensee was so helpful. She sent me links to the support app articles and I was able to continue learning there.” 




Taryn and Stephanie both went through the full Kadince Academy. Six other Kadince power users from collections, support, servicing, and leadership teams went through the parts of the Academy that were relevant to them. “These power users just needed to know the nitty gritty,” Stepanie said. “How to get from point A to B when submitting a complaint, or how to get their complaints approved once Taryn had reviewed and responded to them. They didn’t need to know the whole system.” 


Because they had such a quick window to complete implementation, this “Kadince task force” met often to discuss the software, determine next steps, and practice what they’d learned. Stephanie said, “I think not coming back to it constantly would have made Kadince way harder to learn. If you take two weeks in between doing something, you might need to relearn it. For us, I think the fast implementation was really important.” 


Stephanie, Taryn, and the rest of the task force also spent time teaching Kadince to others throughout the company. This training focused on the front-end of the software: submitting complaints and viewing the response. It was up to Taryn to manage the backend and use the data and reporting tools. This collaborative approach ensured that everyone was on the same page and knew how to utilize Kadince effectively. No one was left behind.  


Stephanie and Taryn finished implementing the Kadince Feedback tool on April 3rd, only 35 days after they began. Compared to the average Kadince Feedback implementation time of 4 months, that’s 350% less time spent implementing the software. Way to go Stephanie and Taryn!  


Beyond implementation


Implementation was only the beginning. Now that the software was up and running, Cherry Technologies could start efficiently tracking complaints, finding trends, and responding to customers. 


Instead of using Google Forms and spreadsheets, Cherry employees now enter complaints directly into Kadince. They use different forms depending on which funnel the complaint falls under (due to Cherry tracking complaints for several parties). 


Cherry even went a step further and connected Kadince to their internal Slack system using the Kadince API. “Our Slack integration was a game-changer,”  Taryn said. “Since we track complaints for various parties, it’s easier to keep track of it all in Slack and not worry about who has what permissions in Kadince. Whenever we get a complaint, we get a notification in Slack. I investigate and tag the appropriate people right there. They then craft a response and the support member responds to the complaint. I take care of everything inside Kadince, and members of our team don’t have to worry about using another software beyond entering complaints. This speeds up our process even further.”


Example of Cherry's Slack integration


Just like most software systems, Cherry’s Kadince setup will always be a work in progress. As Taryn learns more about Kadince and how her company wants to track data, she’s able to pivot and adjust workflows as needed. 


According to Stephanie, “The level of support that Kadince gives is invaluable. Bailey, our CSM, is so great. Right before we launched Kadince, we ran into a big problem with our workflow. It was a Friday night and we had our hearts set on launching Monday. Bailey hopped on with us and spent an hour fixing our workflow. She knew how important that launch was to us, and she made sure it happened. That level of support blew us out of the water. Because we implemented so quickly, we’ve continued to learn more as we’ve gone. Bailey has been a huge support.”


According to Bailey, “Cherry Technologies has been so easy to work with! They’re the perfect example of how following the implementation plan actually works. When Stephanie and Taryn set their minds to something, it gets done. Their launch was so smooth, and I’m SO impressed with their quick implementation of 35 days!!! To this day, they’ve done a fantastic job managing their Kadince program and I love seeing what they’ve done with their account.”


Cherry Technologies has been using Kadince for several months now, and Stephanie and Taryn love it. To anyone looking for a complaint tracking system, they say, “Kadince is the way to go.”


Want to learn about tracking your company’s complaints with Kadince? Schedule a demo.



None of Kadince, Inc., its affiliates, or its respective employees, directors, officers, and agents (collectively, “Kadince”) are responsible or liable for any content or information incorporated herein. Read full disclosure.

Jaidyn Crookston | Content Manager, Kadince

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